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Portrait Sessions

My clients usually spend somewhere between $350-$900 for their session. All packages include 50 high resolution images. 


My family sessions typically are about 1 hour long and take place at one of these locations.


I want to photograph connection, relationships and people with personality. My focus as a photographer is capturing those small meaningful moments. This means I am not overly concerned with getting the "smile for the camera" shot. Instead, I snap for authenticity.


Images are delivered 2 weeks after the date of the session.



While I never planned on shooting weddings professionally, the task seemed to find me over and over again. Today, I have shot more weddings than I can remember. Some weddings were large and extravagant, while others were more intimate.


Just like my family portraiture, I strive to photograph couples authentically and in a fun way. The best thing you can do on the day of your wedding is to be present and relaxed. 


My wedding prices typically start at $900.​ Email me and I will give you a price quote on your specific need. Every wedding is different so it is important you get a customized price quote.


Images are delivered 4 weeks after the date of the wedding.



What kind of photographer are you? 


I relish in imperfection and authenticity. I believe that the best photos are created when families are interacting with each other and not staring into the lens of the camera.


What should I wear for my session? 


Click here for my advice on clothing.


Do you have any advice for parents before the session?


Yes! The best thing you can do is to treat the session as a fun experience and not something to be endured. Tell your spouse and children how excited you are. Your excitement will spread to other members of the family. We will play games and make new memories. There is nothing easier to photograph than a family who is genuinely having fun together.


Should I stress about my session?


No. Stressed people don't photograph well. Relax and trust me to pull out the best from your family.


Do you photograph large, extended families?


Sorry, no.


Are you Barbra Streisand's biggest fan?


Yes I am. Thanks for asking.


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