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What is Modern School Photography?


My goal is to capture the personality of each child in a timeless and authentic way. No longer do parents need to purchase the outdated, generic school pictures from large companies, but can purchase a classic portrait that could adorn the walls of your home as art. By being a small business, I am able to customize the portrait experience to give valuable customer service and quality products.

Instead of snapping one photo of each child and calling it good, I take an extra few minutes to try to get a variety of expressions. This means I deliver 2-5 images which allows the parents to choose to purchase their favorite or all of the images.


How does it work?


Proof viewing, ordering, and communications are all done online. This allows a quicker turn around time so parents get their children's portraits faster! Prints will be distributed at the school.


Is it expensive?


My pricing is very competitive with other school portrait companies. I am able to give quality photography to families of all kinds of economic backgrounds. Please note that I do offer a wider selection of products than is typical of most school portrait companies. Parents may choose to purchase inexpensive digital images or may even purchase a large canvas if they like.


How do you get the kids to smile for you?


I get down low on their level, tell jokes, tickle them (if they let me), and just behave like a total dork. The great thing about kids is they behave so differently from one another. So while one may smile unabashedly at my silliness, others may prefer to show a more reserved side of themselves. And that is absolutely ok with me.



If you want to talk to me about photographing your school, fill out the form at the bottom of this page.

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